Whole roasted cauliflower cheese

Who doesn’t like cauliflower cheese? This is a different take on a classic that folk often dismiss as being British and bland! It’s delicious – honest!

Wot u need
1 whole cauliflower, leaves trimmed.
50g butter
50g plain flour
1/2 tsp sweet paprika
2 tsp made-up English mustard
600 mls milk
200g mature cheddar

Wot u do
Boil some water and immerse the cauliflower (keep on a few free leaves for colour and presentation). Boil for 15 mins. Melt the butter and make a roux with the flour. Add the paprika. Remove from the heat and slowly whisk in the milk till you get a thick mix. Add the mustard, return to the heat and bring to the boil. Simmer and add two thirds of the cheese.

Place the cauliflower in a fairly deep ovenproof dish, and drench in the cheese sauce. Sprinkle the remaining cheese over the cauliflower. Bake at 160 degrees C fan for 30 mins or so, till golden brown.

Serves 2 fatties.

Note: Carve with a knife and fork as you would a meat roast. If you try and dig in with a spoon to it, you’ll end up with something from Day of the Triffids”.

* You can’t keep or freeze cauliflower cheese – it is best eaten as soon as it’s made. Honest, keep it even for a day, and it’s a big globby mess!!!!

Leek and potato soup recipe

This really simple recipe makes a great pot of soup for a winter’s day. Brilliant.

Wot u need

1 Large Leek finally chopped
1 Medium sized onion finally chopped
2 medium sized Potatoes diced
1 tablespoon of Butter
500ml Cold water
A sprinkle of parsley
3 Chicken stock cube
750 mls hot water
Splash of milk

Wot u do
Place the onions leeks and butter into a pan cook until soft . Add diced potatoes and water and one stock cubes and cook until potatoes break up roughly around 20 minutes. Blend soup. add a dash of milk or double cream stir it in then add a sprinkle of parsley before serving.

Serves four.